Unit 10- Work experience

 Skill Audit 

This is my Skill Audit I have done for my work experience. This is useful to know what my skills are and for the people I am doing work experience to see where my strengthens are. I believe it's important for me to see what I'm good at and what I need to improve on so when it comes to me doing commissions I know what to do and what not to do so it could looks as good as possible and for them to be satisfied with the outcome. For my work experience I will be designing a logo and a social media account for a new football team that is launching soon, to help me make the logo which they might use for their brand logo and for their football shirts I will be using either Procreate or Photoshop to achieve the design for the logo. I also need to use my work skills for example hitting deadlines, working in a team and communicating with my client because if I don't this nothing will go to plan and it won't be successful which is not what I want for my client as I want them to be pleased with my work . Working in a team is the most important because me and my client can come with ideas together and brainstorm how we want the social media account and the logo to look like. 

Mind map of what jobs/tasks you can do for work experience

There was a range of different ideas that I could use to create products for my work experience. When creating this mind map I kept in mind who my audience is and what they want me to do. As I am creating a logo and a social media account I have to see where my strengthens are so that I know I am capable of creating what my client wants and to make sure that they are satisfied with my work I have produced for them. For the logo they said they might use it as their brand logo and for their football shirts so I have to make sure it looks professional and to high standard as my logo will be their icon. To create their logo I will either use Procreate or Photoshop to create the design as they are professional software apps. And for their social media account I was use instagram as it is an easy social media app to grow on and more people will see it because people use it everyday and it is very popular and mainstream, I believe I can hit my targets as I am experienced in using these softwares and I think I can do an excellent job to please my client. 

Brainstorming product ideas:

This is my rough planning for my work experience. My client has decided for me to design a logo and a social media account for their brand their football club is called Fireside F.C. For the logo I wanted to have a rough idea of what I wanted it to look like and what elements I want it to have, my idea was to add some surrealism to it as I wanted it look more interesting and unique. My thought was to have the football on fire basically a flaming football so it doesn't to look like a standard football that you would normally see also because their football club is called Fireside F.C it matches perfectly with the flaming football idea. I want there to be to people crossing their arms the crossing arms makes them look confident ready to win some games although I wrote in my plan, I wanted them to hold the football I thought them crossing their arms looks better. Also, I thought the colours red, black and white were perfect for the logo as they are professional colours and they go really nicely together my original thought was to make it red and black but after some thinking I thought  the white would definitely make the logo look more alive and brighter the aim is to make the logo look simple, clean and professional. I want to draw the logo by hand instead of using a program because drawing it by hand is beneficial to me because I can fix certain areas easier, and I can call it my own art design so I will be using the Procreate as I have been using it for a long time and I am comfortable with the program and Photoshop to edit the final result for instance making the colours brighter and sharping the logo. For the social media account, I am going to use Instagram as it's very mainstream and easy to grow on because a-lot of people use it so my work will be recognised by the audience and the football team can gain more attention. I will also add Instagram highlights to show information about their football team for example training and other important information about their football team that they want the audience to know. 

Audience Research: 

As my work experience is for a football team my target audience would mainly be teenage boys. Teenage boys tend to watch football a-lot and play it as a sport in school, they aspire to play for a club and be apart of a team. The age range I am focusing on is 16+ because teenage boys tend to research training football clubs so they can train and pick up skills to become a professional football player, so if they see this football club they would most likely apply as FireSide F.C looks professional and trustworthy FireSide F.C will help them to gain to the fullest potential for them to play for bigger teams. Also teenage boys love to compete in sport especially football as they support different teams they like competition so they can reach the top and be in a high ranking this will give them a great opportunity for them play in competition against big teams it will also polish their skills for them to be ready to play on the pitch so that they are confident, this football club could be a starting point for them to turn into something bigger. Every teenage boy looks to play for a famous club for example Arsenal, Manchester United and ect they would most likely be recognised by more popular teams if they gain experience for playing for a football club because famous clubs could see their potential and see what skills they have to offer, FireSide F.C should help them reach that goals and show them what it's like to be in the football lifestyle. 16+ is the perfect age because thats when you start thinking of what you want to pursue in future if your under 16 you don't really have an idea as your still young and trying out different things to see what your interested in so in my opinion 16 onwards is the perfect target audience for me to focus on. 

Smart targets

1)  My first and most important smart target is to get my logo done. I will be drawing a rough sketch of the design and as well as communicating with my client to see what he thinks of my rough design. For the social media account I will arrange a meeting or a call session with my client as I think it will be easier to get their opinion on how they want their instagram page to look and what they want to include in it. Also I need to analyse another football teams logo to get an idea on how I want my concept to look and how I want my design to look for my client so that it looks as professional as possible. 

My work experience powerpoint 

This is my work experience powerpoint that I had to pitch to my class. This powerpoint includes all the work I've done so far for my work experience.I talked about what I am going to produce for my client which is a social media account and logo, I've also talked about my target audience so that my classmates can get an idea of which group I am targeting which is teenage boys. Whilst I was pitching I was nervous as I am not very confident talking in front of a group which is something that I am trying to improve, I felt like pitching was a great idea for me to boost my confidences.My powerpoint slides were very informative and straight forward to understand one slide contained a lot of information which shows that I am researching for my client to please them with their very own design. I've also included evidence to my planning for example for my rough plan I included a mind map of my product brainstorming ideas just so that my audience knows that I've really researched and plan out everything before I start doing my main task. My last slide was quite important as it's about my next step I am going to do for my work experience I want to start creating rough sketches for the logo as I want to see which idea fits what my client wants and they have a range of different designs to choose from. As for the social media account I stated that I will be arrange either a call session or meeting my client in person so that I can make it with them as I want their page to look professional and informative and I want their opinion on it, and by doing it with them I can see what ideas they have in mind so that I can create it for them this applies to the logo to as well they are both important and my main aim is to satisfy my client.  

 Feedback for my class

This is the feedback I got from my classmates after I did my presentation. I feel like this feedback will really help me improve on what I need to work on and it's useful that they gave me feedback on my presentation skills as well as it will help me next time when I pitch. Reflecting on this feedback it seems like they really my work experience idea and they liked my concept which I was glad about it's good that I got other people opinion on my ideas as they could gave me new ideas I can add or help me improve my previous ideas. 

My first client contact:

This was the first contact I had with my client he reached out to me on instagram. This client is for my friend who is launching his own football team for people to train to play for bigger clubs. I am glad he contacted me because at first I didn't have any places that would let me do work experience for them so this was a surprise when he contacted me. A few months away we were talking about a logo that he wanted me to produce for him because he knows that I can draw and I take commission. I was honoured that he would pay me as I was going to do this for free as I know him personally it was very nice of him to offer this to me. I said of course can do it as I do need work experience for unit 11 and he is in need for a logo so I thought this would be perfect.He wanted a badge looking logo as he wanted to put it on their football shirts and his instagram icon so I needed to think of ideas on how to make it look as professional as possible and what he was looking for. He did send me a rough sketch idea for the logo that him and his friend made he wanted the main colours to be orange and black but did suggest that I can add me own touch to it as he didn't mind for me to that. He also sent me the type of orange he wanted which was helpful for me as I can see what other colours work with this type of orange he wanted for the shirts, I wanted to get it done as soon as possible as I don't want my client to keeping I really liked how me and him communicated as it was clear and he told me what he wanted do so  that I can produce it for him overall very good communication from my client. 

My second client contact:

He suggested that we should have a call session to discuss ideas for the logo which I thought was a good idea. I had work on the day that we were supposed to call but suggested that we can in the afternoon and ask him if he was fine with it, he had work at 5 but did say we can call at 6 which was perfectly fine with me. We called and brainstormed some ideas for the logo he said he wanted to use it for t709heir football shirts as he didn't like how their previous logo looked on the shirt, which was the rough sketch that him and his friend created. I did ask him if I can make him a new instagram page as Joella told me to ask my client because the logo wasn't enough, he said he would love for me to do that which I was glad about as I could produce him not only and logo but help him with his instagram page. He said he wanted the logo done first and wanted ethic people to be on  the logo as the team is diverse and he wanted to embrace that in the logo, as an ethic person myself I loved this idea. The call session went great and I understood what to do before I started making the logo, also after the call he did send me ideas for the other football teams logo just so I can get an idea of the concept he wanted which was helpful for me and nice of him to do as I can sketch the idea and get on with it implying those ideas into my sketch as I know how he wants it to look. 

Production schedule:

This is the production schedule that I made for my work experience. I couldn't start in October because I was busy doing my personal statement and other uni stuff,  but I did complete my skills audit and assess my target which was good as I was ahead.  The rest of my planned schedule is for the November towards the end of the term on December 12th I need to make sure I hit the deadline for this unit as this needs to be complete very soon and this production schedule will instruct me on what I need to next.

Analyse of a similar product:

To play for England is special' Arsenal forward Bukayo Saka wins Player of  the Year award

This is the Arsenal football teams logo. The colours go nicely together as we have some bright colours for instance the red as the main colour in the middle and the white on the sides, but they also use some darker colours for example the gold and dark blue around it so we have a mixture between dark and bright colours which is a nice balance. Also the logo shape almost looks like a diamond which is different as other football teams mostly use a square shapes for their logos it looks very unique and different which is something I like about this logo. The logo looks very professional although it's simple it represents the football team and who they are in my opinion it looks very clean sometimes simple looks best they also use it for their football shirts to represent their football team. The bold Arsenal writing grabs the audiences attention as we know the football team, We can see Bukayo Saka wearing the Arsenal football team shirt. The logo is quite big which makes the audience know who the football team play for, they use the red as the main colour for the football shirt which is very appealing as it's bright and vivid the logo matches the shirt perfectly as they replicated the logo into the shirts they also use white which makes the shirt look more clean and professional. Overall I really like this logo and how it looks on the shirts I will be taking elements from this logo into my own as I liked how simple but eye catching this logo is that's the goal I want for my logo and it also gave me idea of how I want my logo to look on the shirts. 

This is the Paris Saint-Germain F.C football clubs logo. They use a circle shape for their logo which is a nice shape for their shirts as it fits perfectly on the shirts I personally prefer circle shaped logos as it looks professional and fits will anything. The colours also go well together the royal blue is fitting with the red as they are both settle colours also the white outline makes the logo look more bright and alive the colours balance perfectly together. I loved how they include the Eiffel tower in the middle as this is a Paris team so it represents the capital of France and them as a team it's more personal as they are playing for their country. The Paris text is a very bold and eye-catching which grabs our attention the saint-german is a little smaller but it's still very clear for us to see. As we can see Neymar is wearing the PSG kit the logo fits perfectly with the colours of the shirts, the logo is quite big which makes it clear for us to see the colours of shirt comes from the logo the royal blue is the main colour used as it's the main colour used in the logo everything matches it's professional but appealing. I also loved how they used the red and white colour for the sleeves as it was the outline for the logo it adds a pop of colours and really complements the royal blue colour. Overall I really like how the logo looks on the shirt everything just goes very well together it looks put together I loved how they included every colour for the logo onto the shirt personally this is one of my favourite football shirts it really gave me inspiration for the logo I will be making for Fireside F.C. and how I want my logo to look on their shirts. 

Client interview 

This is my client interview. I went on Saturday to meet up with my client to ask him these questions.   This interview has helped me understand what my client wants me to create for him and what he wants me to do for the logo. I made sure that he understand what I will be doing so that he can put his input if he wants me to change anything before I start sketching out logo. Overall their was great communication between me and him and we were both on the same page which I was glad about.


This is a rough sketch for my logo. I decided to do a sketch before I started drawing my logo so I can see a visual image of how my logo would look. I labelled what colours I wanted each part to be I feel like this helped me a lot because I could add some other ideas onto my logo, and see what looks more fitting for my logo. 

Client contact:

I face-timed my client so that he could see my rough plan. He loved it and he said it was exactly how he wanted it as he trusted me to make my own design for the logo so was a bit nervous to see if he would like it. I made sure that my client knew everything about the progress of the logo as I do want his feedback on what I change incase he doesn't like a certain part of my logo. I think communication is key so me and client made sure that we communiated as I didn't want to disappointed my client especially because this is fist time doing commission for someone so I wanted everything to right so that no errors occur.

Client contact: 

My client contacted me and asked about my progress. The logo was a bit delayed because I was finishing my unit 9 project but he understood the situation and didn't rush me. I had to make sure that I made the logo on time because I want my client to be satisfied he was patient which I was glad about but as soon as he contacted me I was determined to finish the logo as soon as possible for my client to have the logo ready for his football shirts. The communication was great between me and my client because we were both on the same page and he knew what I was doing with the logo. 


This was the first design I created. My client did request for me to start with the logo first as it will take longer than the Instagram account. I created the design on Procreate and drew everything by hand as it's easier for me than using Photoshop and I can put my drawing skills to the test. I started with the shape first as it is my base for designing the logo he said he wanted a badge type logo so it looks like other
professional football teams logo for example the Liverpool logo he sent me for inspiriation. I decided to go for a hexagon shape as I researched different football logo shirts and most of them have used a hexagon shape for the logo of their football shirts so I used the same shape so I can replicate that. I filled in the shape with a royal blue colour because I thought it looked nice with the other colours, to add a bit of dimension I used a slightly darker blue so that the logo looks 3D and not solid in my opinion as a artist I hate my colours to look solid as it looks plain and flat adding a dark colour really makes a difference to the logo. Also although he did say he wanted the colours to be red, black and white I wanted see if he would like this as I added the royal blue to the mix, but if he didn't like it that would be completely fine with me I just wanted him see a different type of colour wave to see what he thinks about it so he can picked from the two. Then I added the red/orange colour boarder around it I used a thin brush tool to create this I used this shade to add a pop of colour, I drew a white boarder as I think white makes the logo look more alive and brighter also other football teams tend to use a white boarder so I wanted to add that as I liked how it looked it looks professional in my opinion. After adding the boarders I drew a thin black line around the logo and inside the hexagon shape so it looks more bold and I think it will make the logo stand out more on the football shirts.  

I drew a ribbon around the logo. I decided to make the ribbon black but again I used a slightly lighter colour its almost a grey to add depth and dimension to the logo so the logo doesn't look flat it looks like the ribbon is coming out of the logo which was what I was going for I was pleased with the result. I filled the corners of the ribbon with a grey for the coming out of the logo effect It also looks like the ribbon is wrapped around the logo which I thought was a really cool effect. I drew a thin white line across the logo so that it can stand out and people can see the football teams name clearer as I will be adding their football teams name on the ribbon which is why I used black as my main colour because the text is going to be white. The ribbon looked a bit plain so to jazz it up I drew thin orange triangle shapes on the logo to add something to the ribbon in my opinion I think it made the ribbon look more brighter and more interesting it looks more sporty for some reason as well which was perfect as this is a football team logo, I thought the ribbon would a bit difficult to draw but It was surprising easy and it looks perfect on the logo. The hardest part was definitely the two boys on the logo this part was very frustrating for me as I had to redo them over and over again to make it fit the shape of logo. At first I drew them too small so I used a Procreate grid to help guide me on where I should draw them which was very handy as I got them in the right position. I decided to draw them in white and I used a thin brush tool as I think it will make them stand out more against the royal blue and I didn't want the lines to look thick which is why I used a thinner brush, the hair and face was the easiest part of me as I am familiar with drawing these part I decided to not add eyes because I didn't like how it look with the logo when I drew eyes on the two boys. I wanted them to look like anime boys so drew spiky hair and a mullet style hair on the boys I got inspiration from this anime iv'e been watching recently called Blue Lock the character are animate which I liked so I replicated that into the logo I think it looks really nice on the logo the mullet hair did take me a bit longer as there was more to it but the end result I loved it. The bodies were slightly hard to draw as I am not the best at drawing bodies but I did try my best in my opinion I really liked how I drew it because it does look like two sporty boys in their football kits which is what I was going for. 

I didn't want their position to look boring for example them standing still. I went with the arm crossing position as it makes them look tough and game ready also I decided to have them side to side from each other to represent that they are a team in a way, because if I had them facing towards each other it will look like they are versing each other which is the not look I am going for as they are a football team and they work as team to win games. Lastly I drew the flaming football the football I decided to draw it in the middle because it fits best there, also I didn't want to draw a regular football because that was boring to me  I wanted to spice it up because the name of the football team is FireSide F.C. I thought the flaming football would represent them as Fire is in the name and they are a football team  it was an idea that I was very impressed with it represents the team and who they are overall I loved the design of this logo I loved the outcome I was pleased with my work. 

Client contact:

I met up with my client in person because we did arrange a meeting for us to talk about the progress of the logo because I needed the logo done to be able to begin the Instagram account and the icons for the shirts and the social media platforms. He said he loved the shape it was exactly how he wanted it to look which was good to hear, but however he didn't like the royal blue idea which I knew but I still wanted to show him  how it would look he said he would rather have the black, red and white together which I completely understood but he was impressed that I showed him another colour wave. He thought the flaming football idea was a genius idea which was an idea that I had in mind he was very impressed with it we were both happy with how it looked on the logo. Another part he told me to change was the two boys he wasn't feeling the anime style he said he would rather have two ethic boys for example boys with curly hair as their team is very diverse which I agreed with because it represents them and who they are. I'm glad that their was minimum parts for me to change I just need to change some bits to fit his liking at the end of the day my client needs to be satisfied with my work and that is my goal so I'm glad he told me straight up what I need to change instead of not saying anything overall very good communication from me and client. 

Production part 2: 

This is the final logo I used Illustrator to create this. I kept the design but changed it up a bit, my client did say that he wanted the inside colour to be black instead of royal blue so I did change that. I also changed the ribbon shape so it's not that pointy I felt like a straight line was more professional looking and it fits the logo better. I added the EST.2021 text at the top because he did ask me to put that on the logo, I also added their football teams name inside the ribbon as I forgot to add it to the other logo design I used a sans serif text I feel like the white colour really stands out as the rest of the colours are quite dark so it brightens up the logo. My client also requested that I change up the two boys to make them look more realistic and people of colour, I used the paintbrush tool to draw these as the team is mostly ethic I decided to draw a boy with a curly high top and a fade and a boy with short curly hair as most people in the team have curly hair so I wanted to represent the people of colour as they have more defined hair it also represents the diversity within the team it's different as mostly logos don't include figures so it's unique and makes the logo stand out. Lastly I changed the football flame style I didn't like the orange outline as I didn't think it would look good on the shirts so I made the flame a solid colour without the orange outline. Overall I love the outcome of my logo and I think my client would love it as I used his suggestions that he told me and put it in the logo I feel like iv'e satisfied my client I am very pleased with the result. 

Client feedback:

For the sake of our learners’ continued development, we ask that you provide some feedback on their performance in these areas.


How well did the learners communicate with you?

She communicated with me very well. We both were contacting each to know how things were going with the logo and the social media account. She always asked me about my feedback and my opinion on how the logo and social media accounts look that I can make any changes she was very professional and organised which made communicating with her very easy she understood me and how I wanted things we were both on the same page, I loved working with her, and I would do it again.   

How well did they complete tasks in a timely manner?

She did complete all the tasks on time. They were some minor delays, but I was okay with it as I understood her reason and I wasn’t in rush however she did complete the logo and the social media account on time which I appreciated as she had a lot on a plate and it showed me that she really wanted me to get my logo and social media account , she was very organised and her time management skills were very good I got my logo and my social media account on time for me to produce my football shirts. 


Are you happy with the final product/service completed by the learners?

I love my logo it’s everything I wanted. I know the logo is going to look so good on my football shirts and my social media account I love the design and her drawings she really made it unique and professional, she listened to my feedback on the logo and put everything I wanted her to adjust which made me feel like she listened to me as her client and made sure that I was satisfied with logo and the social media account. I am very glad that I chose her to design my logo I couldn’t of ask for someone better, I knew she could make me a logo that fits my football teams and who we are overall I love everything detail that she implied in the logo as I said I would definitely work with her again. 


What is one area you felt they could have performed better in?

To be honest I don’t think there are any room for improvements. Her communications skills were on point she created my social media account and logo on time, she took my feedback into consideration she did everything I asked I loved working with her she was very easy-going and made sure I knew what she was doing even if I did ask it should be that she wanted me to be satisfied and pleased with the logo and the social media account it was honestly a pleasure working with her. 

The Instagram account:

This is the Instagram account I created for FireSide F.C. This was very easy to create as instagram is quite straightforward alsoI already created the logo so I added that as the icon picture as that is their football team logo it represents their team and who they are. He told me what to add in the bio which made things easier as I didn't know what to include I decided to add a bio so that people know who they are and what they do and where they are based so that they can be apart of the team and see if they are fit of the team. I added emojis to make the page look more interesting and aesthetic also my friend told me to add their link tree which has links to their other social media platforms for example TikTok and Youtube so I added that so people can access it when they see their page to get a little bit more information about the football team and what other platforms they have. I added instagram highlights so that people can see their training and etc to see what they do as a football team on a daily basis I thought it was beneficial to add this as it adds more to the page and shows the audience what they would do if they got recruited in the team it is also interactive as you could contact them to find out more information if you have an inquires. Overall I believe this instagram page is good as it includes everything you need to know about FireSide F.C. and people can follow to see more of the football team. 

Client contact: 

I actually did this with my client. We met up and made the social media together he told me what to add and how he wanted the layout to look, I'm glad that we did this together as it took less time so that we can start gaining followers for the instagram account to get more recognition so when they do start posting their followers can be alerted to see what they post and spread the post for more people to join the football team or support them. 

The football team shirts: 

These are model picture of my logo on their football team shirts because my client did mention that he is going to take pictures of the football shirts.. I told my client to send me these because I wanted to see how my logo looks on the shirts, I love how they look on the shirts they look very professional and it fits the colour of the shirt everything goes well. The football players look game ready and professional with their football shirts, I am very pleased with how the logo looks on the football shirts they look amazing in their kits I was very proud with myself that I was able to create a design that looks like it belongs on a famous football teams club. 

My post:

I posted this picture on my instagram story. I was very pleased with my logo on the football shirts  also I wanted to help them gain recognition so that people can follow their page as they are a new football team lauching , all they have to do is click the picture on my story and it will take them to FireSide F.C. page which is very easy way for people to see their page as it's quick and fast to see their posts. I wanted to help them as much a possible so that people can start applying to be apart of the team and can support them for FireSide F.C to get big so that they can play against bigger clubs and start expanding their team for their football club.

Their post:

This was their first post they uploaded on instagram. They tagged my art account so that people will know who made the logo, which I appreciated as he gave me recognition for my work this was there starting point for their page it was smart of them to upload the logo as their first post as people can see who they are and can see that they are professional and how a logo made for their team because all football teams have a specific logo to represent them and this logo represents FireSide F.C. Overall it was a pleasure doing commission for FireSide F.C I really enjoyed making the logo as it helped me improve my drawing skills, doing this work experience unit was definitely useful if I was ever going to get commission from someone else. 


How well did you communicate with the Client? 


Me and my client communicated extremely well, we were both on the same page I made sure that I told him everything I was doing with the logo and the social media account, he told me what I needed to change for the logo for example he didn’t like the royal blue colour for the logo so he told me to change it to black I did exactly what he told me because I have to do what my client requests me to do so that he is pleased with my work. I made sure that he knew how my progress is going just so that he’s aware of what I am doing, I met up with him and called him when I needed to know his opinion on what I have produced we were both organised we both agreed to meet up in person sometimes to look at my progress as we can plan out things together instead of always talking on the phone. This was useful to me as I can show him my sketches in person so if he didn’t like anything he could tell me step by step what he wants. Overall, the communication between me and my client was great we both understood each other and kept in contact throughout the whole process.   


How well did you complete your tasks, was it in a timely manner?  


I did complete all the task in time. It took me longer to make the logo then the social media account because I had to draw the logo by hand and edit it, so I started with my logo first because of this reason which made it easier for me to send my client his logo I created for him faster. However, I did have some delays due to me completing my unit 9 project, I did let my client know this because I wanted him to know that they will be a minor delay so he’s aware of the situation he completely understood which I was glad about he didn’t mind the delays because he didn’t want me to rush things with the logo as he wanted the outcome to be perfect. Overall, my time management was good but, in the future, I will make sure that there are no delays as it’s not professional and don’t want to worry my client.  


Are you happy with the final product/service you provided to your client?  

Yes I am very happy with my final products. I love the design of the logo and how different it is I love how it looks on the football shirts it showed me as an individual what I can do it's professional and well put together. As for the service I believe I did an amazing job at keeping communication with my client I made sure he knew what was going on, I made sure he was aware of every step I was doing throughout the process of me making the logo and his social media account. Overall I believe that I did a great job at giving my client what he wanted I listened to his feedback and took it into consideration so that he was satisfied with the product, also the design of the logo was the main show of my commission I was doing for him as it become their football teams icon that they are using now which shows that my hard-work paid off overall everything went smooth.



What is one area you felt you could have performed better in?  

I feel like I could of improve in my time management skills. I did delayed the logo since I had to finish my unit 9 project I should've started making the logo and the Instagram account a bit earlier since I did have to tell my client I had a minor delay with the logo, it's not professional but I'm glad my client understood my reason and gave me some more time instead of rushing me as it made the logo process way easier for me as I took my time creating the design instead of making mistake by rushing it. In the future I will definitely make sure that I don't make any delays if I was ever going to do commission of other client I will also make sure to start producing my products earlier as I didn't have much time those are some areas were I wanted to improve on.



